Today’s edition is a collection of recommendations. Newsletters, Twitter accounts, Youtube channels, articles - everything is fair game.
Let’s begin:
1. Things I Think Are Awesome by Lynn Cherny
A once-a-month newsletter full of links and discussion about the cutting-edge of AI and NLP applications. I have personally created a large chunk of my AI knowledge-base from this newsletter and highly recommend it to you, dear reader.
Jon thinks deeply about AI and is technically super-capable. I don’t agree with everything he writes about (crypto is one example), but I have massive respect for the amount of thought and experimentation he puts into the AI/ML space.
I have learned a lot about using AI tools from him. His post about Spiderman in 2025 unlocked my imagination about practical use cases of AI in our world. And he wrote it 5 months ago. What a guy.
3. Always Be Curious by Sander at ASML
Sander works at ASML. He is at the front seat of the breakthroughs in semiconductor technologies. These semiconductor technologies are at the heart of all that powers AI development today. His deep involvement with this world enables him to share with us the latest news and developments in his world.
I treasure the opportunity to hear directly from such individuals and learn exactly where our world is headed. We need more people like Sander who empower the world by sharing their knowledge with it. Imagine if a leader at Nvidia or Microsoft ran a newsletter like this. How cool would that be!
In case you know of such newsletters or sources, feel free to share in the comments, I’ll love to check it out!
4. Two Minute Papers on Youtube
Károly Zsolnai-Fehér is an AI researcher who loves to bring the latest in AI technologies to a mass audience. It was on his channel that I learned about breakthrough papers in the field of AI, and he continues to deliver gems like the above video. Highly recommended source to keep you on top of breakthrough developments in AI technologies.
5. Prompt Experts for Image Generators
Finally, check out these awesome Twitter and Youtube accounts to learn more about improving your AI prompting skills and getting awesome results from AI Image generators:

That's all I have for the fourth draft. Thanks!